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FSA is committed to protecting wetlands when implementing its programs. FSA is obligated to avoid undertakings or providing assistance for new construction in wetlands where an agency finds that:

  • there is no practicable alternative to this construction; and
  • the proposed action includes all practicable measures to minimize harm to wetlands that may result from this use.

FSA is committed to adhering to the following primary objectives for the protection of our Nation's wetlands:

  • avoid, to the extent possible, the long and short-term adverse impacts associated with the destruction or modification of wetlands;
  • avoid direct and indirect support of construction in wetlands when there are practicable alternatives;
  • protect the Nation's long term capability to produce food and fiber;
  • reduce sedimentation;
  • improve water quality;
  • assist in preserving the Nation's wetlands;
  • create better habitat for fish and wildlife through improved food and cover;
  • and curb production of surplus commodities by removing certain incentives for persons to produce agricultural commodities on wetland or converted wetland areas.

Related Links

US Fish and Wildlife Service

US Environmental Protection Agency